Alcea rosea mars magic

Hollyhocks have been grown in gardens for centuries, their tall spikes of satiny, crepe-textured flowers making a fine display in mid-summer. For over years, Jelitto worked to develop a consistent strain of stable, straight color, single flowered Hollyhocks. The Alcea rosea Spotlight Series was . True perennial hollyhock which flowers the first year from see single purple- black flowers bloom on tall stately stalks all summer, pinch to produce more . This hollyhock has the same characteristics as their double-bloomed sister varieties.

Bright re single flowers are produced on tall, sturdy stalks in midsummer.

Other than their fabulous . A true beauty both on its own or paired with other single Hollyhocks. Je nám líto, ale zboží, které se pokoušíte zobrazit neexistuje, nebo k jeho zobrazení nemáte dostatečné oprávnění. Showy single blooms surrounded by tall green foliage. Les roses trémières sont des vivaces hautes et généreuses.

Deux problèmes à signaler : leur propension à . An old-fashioned perennial with single flowers in various shades of red are produced on tall, sturdy stalks in mid-summer. Great for the back of the sunny border.

Plants have stable color from year to year, uniform single flowers and perennial traits. Join our friendly community that shares tips and ideas for gardens, along with seeds and plants. Biennial or short-lived perennial with tall stems of ruby- re single open flowers with a white centre.

Flowers open from the base . Pamatujete se ještě na babiččinu zahradu? Určitě v ní nechyběly téměř 2m vysoké Topolovka. Tento kultivar Vás okouzlí tmavočervenou . Opis: pokončna stebla z množico zelo velikih cvetov v vinsko rdeči barvi.

Piante erette che su alti steli producono per un lungo periodo grandi fiori imbutiformi in una moltitudine di colori. Prediligono siti aperti e asciutti. Gillar full sol och måttligt näringsrik jord. Gödsla och vattna i förebyggande syfte för att undvika . From the Spotlight Series, Mars Magic is truly a perennial plant with brilliant, single red flowers on sturdy stems for weeks. Thrives in any type of well drained soil.

La Rose trémière Mars Magic est une variété vraiment vivace à nombreuses et remarquables fleurs simples rouge vif. Achetez cet Alcea rosea en ligne, livraison. Ze bloeien al het eerste jaar uit zaad en bestaan in diep zwart-paars, roo geel en wit.

Seeds from these wonderful Alcea rosea Mars Magic. Although technically biannuals if you let these reseed you can have them every year.