Annona cherimola

Annona cherimola (česky čerimoja) je rostlina z čeledi láhevníkovité ( Annonaceae). Je to opadavý menší strom poskytující velmi lahodné ovoce. Láhevník (Annona) je rod nižších dvouděložných rostlin z čeledi láhevníkovitých.

Ripening fruit (Trade winds fruit) fruit and foliage (Trade winds fruit). It is native to frost-free higher elevations throughout tropical America and is . Anona ostnitá ( Annona muricata), zvaná též láhevník, je tropický keř nebo malý strom, dorůstající do výšky pěti metrů.

Xirimoier Deutsch: Cherimoya español: Chirimoya, Anón Esperanto: Ĉerimolio français: Chérimolier hornjoserbsce: Anona italiano: . Cherimoyas have an unusual, multi-facete almost pre-historic appearance that belies their exquisite and sophisticated flavor. Annona species flowers are complete, bisexual, i. Vegetation: yungas, dryvalleys. The Gardeners Dictionary:. Evergreen or semi-deciduous, hairy shrub to c. A cherimoya (also known as nona) fruit on a tree in an orchard.

Custard apple has recently gained attention of researchers because of copious anticancer . Implications for the conservation of plant genetic resources.

Go To Encyclopedia of Life. This name is the accepted name of a species in the genus Annona (family Annonaceae). Originating in the Andes of South America, the Cherimoya is a very popular and delicious tropical fruit tasting somewhere between a pineapple and a banana. Toto ovoce je mnohými považováno za nejlahodnější na světě.

Cherimoya fruits are praised for their excellent organoleptic features, and the species have a high potential for commercial production in subtropical climates. Category: cosmetic ingredient for skin conditioning. Recommendation for annona cherimola fruit extract usage levels up to: not for fragrance use. Jedinečná rostlina užívaná v přírodní medicíně indiánskými kmeny Jižní Ameriky.

Botanický popis rostliny Graviola je strom o výšce 5-m pocházející z . BRIEF DESCRIPTION A small tree reaching 3-m in height. Annona muricata is a member of the Annonaceae family and is a fruit tree with a long history of traditional use. American trees bearing fruit with soft edible pulp. Anona, velký keř, oválné sytě zelené listy a krémové květy. Its phytochemical investigation led to seven . Synonyms : Annona tripetala, Annona pubescens.

Common Names : Custard Apple, Cherimoya, Cherimalla, Sweetsop. Latinské slovo – annona cherimola. Překlad latinského slova annona cherimola do českého jazyka, naleznete níže.