Decaisnea fargesii

Dekaisnea je velmi exoticky vyhlížející a po všech stránkách zajímavý a atraktivní malý strom či keř. Ze země vyrůstá několik stonků, které se olisťují přednostně . It is hardy to zone (UK) and is not frost tender. Dekaisnea neboli palečník čínský, je velmi exoticky vyhlížející velký keř. Plody jsou opravdu modré a.

Takzvané „modré fazole“ JSOU KEŘEM, KTERÝ POCHÁZÍ Z ČÍNY, roste do výšky až metrů. Anglicky je rostlina nazývaná dead man´s fingers – prsty mrtvého. Decaisena fargesii , the Blue Bean Shrub, is a very large, deciduous shrub.

This shrub is native to western China and other western . Decaisnea is a genus of flowering plant in the family . FREE DELIVERY possible on eligible . SOUNDS LIKE: Repays me a Parcheesi tie.

COMMON NAME: Blue bean shrub. And you wonder why this plant is uncommon? Common name aside, this is a great plant! This is a shrub that is definitely different. From China, it is a deciduous shrub forming clumps of tall, . Autumn shows this deciduous shrub at its best with huge, divided leaves and colourful, fleshy seedpods.

These are bright blue and finger sized which hang. A tall deciduous multiple. The strange blue sausage fruits bears 3- slender fruits that look much like its name suggests.

Fruits are edible, with a somewhat sweet . The common name of this fascinating deciduous shrub conjures strange images–and it . DECAISNEA FARGESII SEEDS (Blue Sausage Fruit) – Plant World Seeds. Best for quality trees online in Ireland. Comments: Lightly cover seed in seed bed (not too deep).

Leaves green on top and blue-green underneath.

Hard to get this seed every . Upright deciduous shrub with greenish yellow flowers and blue pod like fruits. Grow in woodland situation in fertile soil. Go To Encyclopedia of Life.