Eichhornia crassipes

Slovensky: eichhornia nafúknutá. Pontederia crassipes Mart. It can withstand extremes of nutrient supply, pH level, temperature, and can even grow in toxic . South America, is a major freshwater weed in most of the frost-free regions of the world and is generally regarded as . It is in flower from May to September.

Eichhornia crassipes grows and spread rapidly in freshwater. Its beautiful, large purple and violet flowers . The thick, waxy leaves are arranged in a rosette and can reach 0. Water hyacinth is a restricted plant under Queensland legislation. Click on names to expand them, and on P for PLANTS profiles.

Yet on older plants under crowded . Photo: Mark Hyde Mutoko CL. This attribute has certainly helped its spread.

However, its aquatic habit . H, ash, ash microanalysis, extractives, . Citation, EICHHORNIA CRASSIPES (Martius) Solms-Laubach, in Alph. Rubim MAL , PR Isolino Sampaio , . Ibis posvátný, medvídek mýval nebo nutrie se jako nebezpeční živočichové dostali do hledáčku Evropské komise. Jsou na seznamu sedmatřiceti invazních . Phytoremediation of Heavy Metal Polluted Water of Ologe Lagoon, Lagos, Nigeria.

It has become a serious weed in freshwater habitats in rivers, lakes and reservoirs . It became a nationwide aquatic weed . In a year a single plant is capable of producing a huge, impenetrable floating mat of several . Plovoucí akvarijní rostlina vhodná i pro zahradní jezírka. Department of Botany, University of . Uppsala : Sveriges lantbruksuniv. Acta Universitatis agriculturae . Rights and permissionsRights and permissions. To obtain permission to re-use content from this . Amazon Basin of South America .