
Rod je součásti široké čeledi rostlin hvězdnicovitých ve které je . These plants are in the Aster family and are also commonly called ragwort flower. Read my growing tips and learn about these . Dosahuje výšky okolo metru. Mnohými autory je uváděná jako nejlepší . Sometimes called Elephant Ears, this is a bold specimen perennial that needs a moist location.

Broa glossy, dark chocolate leaves with dark purple undersides make an extremely bold statement in the garden. Rozšíření: Eurasijský druh mírného pásma s rozsáhlým areálem od severovýchodní Evropy přes celou Sibiř až do Číny a . Impressive plants with large kidney shaped leaves. Most are native to Asia, especially Siberia, China and Japan. Rostlina kvete během měsíců červenec a . Ligularias have a basal rosette of large . Popelivka prospívá v polostínu, ve.

It is hardy to zone (UK) 3. A splendid plant with stunningly large foliage in a rich burgundy color can really make a splash in the shade.

Flower petals also come as orange flowers. This grand plant carries the big yellow daisies in sprays on thick branched stems that sit high above rounde deep purple-green leaves, which . This very attractive hardy perennial from North China is grown for its towering . Plant in sun or light shade. Kategorie zákonné ochrany. Canterbury Herbarium (CANU), University of Canterbury, Biological . The green leaves of this moisture-loving perennial are heart-shaped to triangular with serrated edges. Though here in Viller the Garden I have to enrich to soil to grow to maturity.

There are more than 1ligularia species in the genus, with most of them sporting golden yellow flowers of various shapes and designs. Additional records of indigenous and naturalised plants with . Compositae) were investigated. Statistics are at the end of the page. Deeply cut leaves and eye catching, small, upright, golden yellow flower spikes characterize this easy to grow and care for species. English: Flowers of Summer ragwort.

Français : Fleurs de la Ligulaire pourpre à feuillage rond. We require a $1minimum order of DeGroot products per .