Lonicera henryi copper beauty

Henryův zimolez je stálezelená popínavka, který se v naší republice ještě v nedávné době vysazoval spíše náhodně, nebo jej pěstovali nadšení milovníci . They come out in early summer and . Nové výhony jsou zbarveny . Novější druh stálezeleného bujného zimolezu s výraznějším zlatavě . A new introduction, this variety has stunning new copper growth. A twining climber with glossy dark green leaves and fragrant yellow throated .

Guaranteed best value, low prices, fast delivery, special offers. Yougardener è il luogo in cui trovare e comprare le piante più adatte alle esigenze di tutti. Lonicera acuminata zimolez zašpičatělý.

Shop with confidence on eBay! Sie sich selbst von dem unverwechselbaren Charme der immergrünen Geißschlinge! Honeysuckle is one of the best known and widest grown garden plants. This semi-evergreen climber has dark copper coloured young leaves and scented yellow flowers.

Requires free draining soil.

Superbe floraison parfumée jaune. Zimozielone pnącze o ładnych, ciemnozielonych, s. Join our friendly community that shares tips and ideas for gardens, along with seeds and plants. Manage your garden online, receive specific information for your garden and share your knowledge with others. Bekijk het product online of kom naar één van onze winkels.

This plant grows to about meter. The flower colour is yellow and . Other benefits: red-copper foliage in Spring. Evergreen shrub with green leaves and yellow flowers in Summer. Large, glossy, deep green leaves, coppery red at first make this an unusual and sought after honeysuckle.

Red stained yellow flowers in early summer. Yellow flowers in mid Summer. De bloemen zijn geel maar verkleuren bij koud weer naar roodachtig.

Het jong blad is koperrood en wordt dan later dik glimmend groen. Taille adulte (H x L): 8m x 5m. DECORATION FORevergreen leaves, flowers.

Grimpante à fleur jaune ( 6-8),feuille persistant, résistant au froid. A vigorous evergreen climber with coppery orange flowers, purplish new growth and black berries.

Kamperfoelie is een zeer populaire klimplant en bestaat in vele verschillende soorten. Deze soort is een van de weinige die ook in de winter zijn blad behoudt.