Miscanthus sinensis

Mezi zahradními i bytovými designéry je tato odrůda ozdobnice čínské ve velké oblibě. Její svěže sytě zelená barva jemných listů vypadá . Miscanthus Gracillimus podzim. Rozměry: výška 3-(8) m, šířka podobná.

The wide, deep green leaves with a white midrib form a narrowly upright tower about tall before blooming.

Queenslan New South Wales, the ACT, Victoria, Tasmania , . There is concern, particularly in southeastern states, that this species has high potential to. It is usually found in large tufts. Maiden Grass, Eulalia, or Chinese Silver Grass.

Therefore, effects of the age of the crop, time of harvest and . They have been an icon in Europe and North America for well over a hundred years. It has fine-texture slender foliage with defined. Dit bontbladig prachtriet heeft een bossige, opgaande vorm met brede, lineaire, .

Velikost kontejneru, 1cm . Originally introduced to the United States . Zajímavosti: lidově čínský rákos, soliterní dekorativní tráva, raší až později na jaře , vhodná též do suchých květinových vazeb. A warm season grass with fine textured foliage and a rounded overall form. Golden yellow fall color . A late season bloomer here at Bluestem, we see only the. One of the best miscanthus for autumn colour. Young apple-green foliage starts to turn burnt orange-red from mid summer onwards.

Flowers open red and age . Quoting the pot tag that came with our plants: Much earlier to flower than other sinensis types. Bochoji is a small evergreen tree that grows near forests in non-limestone mountainous regions. Also known as Japanese Silver Grass, there are many selections now available, all providing a wonderful fall display of showy plumes, and remaining attractive . Fine leaved late flowering variety with beautiful red stems and silvery pink flower heads.

The leaves remain green late . Japanese silvergrass, also known as Chinese silvergrass, miscanthus , and susuki (in Japan), is native to Southeast Asia where it occurs along . Ozdobná tráva s výraznými žlutými pruhy. Buy miscanthus sinensis : Delivery by Waitrose Garden in association with Crocus.

Initial Introduction and Expansion in Range. It was introduced to the United. Plant Notes: This species and . This grass requires a very long, hot growing season to be able to produce flowers.

Silky silver plumes curling on 5′ stems make this one of the most striking and lovely of the Grasses. Kvete od září do listopadu stříbřitě bílými chocholy. Vyžaduje hodně slunce, ale snese i .