
Je rozdělen do 1druhů, které rostou převážně v mírném a subtropickém . It is the type genus of the family Onagraceae. In spring slender reddish. It is hardy to zone (UK) and is not frost tender. It is in flower from Jun to September, and the seeds .

Common Name: Ozark Sundrop. Oenothera muricata, Oenothera. Canary yellow, mildly fragrant, inch wide flowers are produced in great numbers over dark green, lanceolate leaves from . Duration: Growth Habit: Native Status: CAN I,N HI I LI,N PB I SPM I,N. Eureka dunes evening primrose.

Perennial herb (rhizomatous). An extremely long blooming, easy care plant.

A vigorous, stoloniferous grower that can be a bit of a thug, . Small-flowered evening-primrose is a biennial or perennial native wildflower that can grow to five feet (1cm) in height. ZÁKLADNÍ ÚDAJE: Popis rostliny: Pupalka je statná dvouletá bylina, která v prvním roce vytváří dužnatý kořen. Eat Your Vegetables, If You Can Some First Nations gathered the notoriously tough evening-primrose roots for food. Only the roots of first-year plants were . Lze jí pěstovat jako trvalku, skalničku, na slunci, v polostínu. Evening Primrose family ( Onagraceae).

From Latin oenothera (“a soporific plant”) or onothera adopted by Carolus Linnaeus in. Get expert gardening tips on the EVENING PRIMROSe, sundrops. How much sun, shade, water and care does it need?

All have large, open flowers and a number are fine ornamental plants. Flowering begins in June and plants continue growing throughout the season . Get help with this component. GLA is the first intermediate in the bioconversion of . Pupalka dvouletá je rostlina z čeledi pupalkovitých (Onagraceae), která dorůstá do výšky až 2cm.

There are 1species of oenothera , including annuals, biennials and perennials.

Between and are offered as garden plants. Herbs erect, biennial to short-lived perennial, with basal rosette.