Paeonia tenuifolia

Pivoňka koprolistá je vpravdě klenot mezi pivoňkami a skalkovými trvalkami vůbec. Jedná se o velice pomalu rostoucí bylinu, která brzy zjara raší vlasovitě . Původ: jihovýchodní Evropa až jižní Rusko. Zajímavosti: jsou dlouhověké, vhodné k řezu.

Paeonia tenuifolia – pivoňka úzkolistá.

Odlišuje se širšími listovými segmenty (šiře je až mm), které jsou i delší a lysé, listy jsou . Botanická zahrada Liberec. Range Description: This species with disjunctive range extends from the eastern Balkan Peninsula into Romania, Ukraine and southern Russia, Caucasus, Asia . Fleur simple et globuleuse, rose transparent et très éphémère. Feuillage spectaculaire par ses folioles filiformes de 2mm de large de couleur vert clair.

This Fernleaf Peony is a rare, compact variety with bright green, feathery foliage that displays the double, deep red flowers to perfection. This perennial peony is a true gem in any rockery or garden bed.

It emerges in early spring with fern-like, finely divide cut leaves that form a fluffy tuft from . Color crimson re rose flower form, blooms very very early, plant height 1. This unusual peony is native to eastern Europe from . Double red flowers set against a backdrop of fernlike, finely dissected foliage sets this variety apart from all other Garden Peonies. This is a dwarf species which prefers . One Portion is usually sufficient for approx. Please switch to gram for larger quantities. Bohužel se nám nepodařilo najít produkt paeonia tenuifolia.

PAEONIA tenuifolia Portion(s). Listy jsou tenké, svěže zelené, opadavé, bohatě dělené a tvoří hustý trs, takže rostlina bez květů . Fernleaf Peonies are very special and unique specimens, a must for the perennial collector. This selection forms a low, bushy mound of very finely divided green . Go To Encyclopedia of Life.

Southern regions of European part of the FSU, Caucasus, Central Europe and the Balkan Peninsula. In steppes, among shrubs on slopes.

Earlier to bloom then others in late spring. Brilliiant deep red shining flowers on superfine foliage. Slow- growing, leaves becoming more dissected with age (seeds) 12.