Perovskia lacey blue

Perovskie se vyskytuje ve volné přírodě od východní Asie až po Afghánistán, ale běžně ji najdete i mnohem severněji, dokonce roste v náhorních plošinách . This compact British introduction forms a bushy mound of fragrant grey- green . Perovskia atriplicifolia, commonly called Russian sage, is a woody-based perennial. A very compact (20) new Perovskia. This new variety was found in a seedling mixure of Perovskia ´Blue Spire´. A long-bloomer, this cutie is .

Lacey Blue flowers with many . An extended period of interest with sprays of lilac blue flowers from mid summer on into . The shortest to date with the largest flowers, forms compact mounds of grey- green foliage, upright silver stems bear dense panicles of large lavender- blue. Pervoskia were named after the Russian General Count Vasily Aleskseevich Perovsky and it is this relationship which gives them not only their Latin name but. New introduction from Britain. Compact, bushy mound with fragrant grey-green leaves set with masses of lavender blue flowerspikes from mid-summer into fall. This Perovskia holds a grey fragrant foliage and blooms beautiful spikes of deep blue from mid-Summer into the Autumn.

An upright small deciduous sub-shrub.

Deeply divided aromatic leaves with plumes of small purple- blue in late summer-autumn. Soyez le premier à laisser un avis sur ce produit ! Het is een decoratieve en waardevolle plant met aromatische bladeren . Heeft een grijs blad dat het vooral goed doet op zeer droge kalkrijke . Join our friendly community that shares tips and ideas for gardens, along with seeds and plants. Delivery within – working days). Idéal au soleil, en pot ou en massif, même en sol . Bloom color: lavender blue. Perennial Subshrub: Deciduous.

Russian Sage is a perennial with an exceptionally long season of . Profuse, stiff, upright spikes of large, fragrant, lavender blue flowers atop finely dissecte silver green, aromatic foliage. Grey-green foliage and airy lavender flowers top off at just inches less than half the height of the species. Does best with dry hot conditions forming a lovely . Its flowering season extends from mid-summer to late October, with blue to violet blossoms arranged into showy, branched panicles. Il résiste aux intepéries.

De dimensions 50cm x 50cm environ, le feuillage . Be the First to Write a Review.

Niski półkrzew o pokroju zwartym, gęstym, pędy. It bears some of the largest flower spires of any compact variety, featuring loads of lavender blue flowers on stiff stems above the silvery green, highly dissected . Un parfum de lavande Un petit arbuste qui se comporte un peu comme une plante vivace. Il aime être taillé très court après la floraison pour repartir de plus .