Phyllostachys aureosulcata spectabilis

Phyllostachys aureosulcata spectabilis – na stránkách bambusy. Phyll_aureosulcata_spectabilis_nova_stebla. C výška dospělé rostliny: – m. Stébla tohoto druhu jsou žlutá se zeleným podélným . Výška rostliny do m, stéblo žluté se zeleným žlábkem, některé listy panašované.

Hardiness: -10º F Recommended . How to find the right words to do this bamboo justice? The photos speak better than anything I can muster. This species adds a splash of color with a beautiful yellow and . Grown in sunny locations, . The stems can also grow in a zigzag shape on the underside.

As a gardener in Washington Heights, the most daunting problem (besides the rats) . Charakteristika a pestovanie.

Scientific classification. HOO PRODUCTS – 1bamboo seeds. Showy Yellow Groove Bamboo) online from Jacksons Nurseries. Guaranteed best value, low prices, fast delivery,. Leaves: Evergreen, lanceolate,.

Pink new shoots maturing to yellow. Expect brilliant gold canes flushed . The rich yellow canes are the reverse of Yellow Groove Bamboo and have a bright green groove. White stripes can occasionally occur on the willow-shaped leaves.

Het is een grote, wintergroene bamboe met een krachtige, . Spectacular garden plant for . Its colours are reversed from the species, i. Some culms will have a reddish . U nás dorůstá výšky – m. Stébla jsou zářivě žlutá se svislým zeleným proužkem. Clump-forming bamboo bearing rough, brownish-green culms, usually zigzagged at the bases, with yellow . A popular and very attractive recent introduction with a green sulcus on bright yellow culms, turning cranberry red where sun strikes the cane in .

The culms on this species are yellow with a green sulcus. They will take on a red or . Liter Topf voll durchgewurzelt. Kg McBambus Bambusdünger . Canes have tones of red in late summer: Delivery by Waitrose Garden in .