Prunus serrula

U většiny krásných stromů a keřů se v encyklopediích dočteme informaci, že pocházejí z Asie (Čína, Korea, Japonsko). A small but sturdy tree prized for its glossy, mahogany-coloured bark. Noteworthy Characteristics. The smooth, mahogany bark peels in translucent . Popis: keřovitý, často vícekmínkový, blízko u země zavětvený . This tree also boasts willow-like .

It is hardy to zone (UK) 5. Flowers are small and white in spring. This is the Tibetan Hill Cherry, widely valued as a fine ornamental tree. Sold as a single-stemmed feathered tree, this.

Prunus Serrula has an attractive . PRUNUS SERRULA – Tibetan Cherry Characteristics The Tibetan Cherry is a small to medium-sized. Easily one of the most superb bark trees to be had with polished rings of mahogany bark that exfoliate and become sunlit amber-orange shards. Common name: Birchbark Cherry.

Pronunciation: PRO-nus SER-u-la.

Provide drainage in clay soils by planting on slopes or in raised beds. Has glossy, mahogany colored ornamental bark. There are about 2different species of prunus , ranging from large evergreen trees to small deciduous shrubs.

Boom met een ronde, vrij brede en semi-transparante losse kroon. De schitterende glimmende en sterk afbladderende bast is . The beautiful shiny and very flaky bark is mahogany brown. Plus many more species descriptions for trees.

Tibetan Cherry trees ( prunus serrula ) buy online from one of the longest established tree nurseries in the UK, with over million traceable native trees available . Japanese Cherry trees are an ornamental tree used in any size garden. Best for quality trees in Ireland. A flowering cherry grown for its rich mahogany- red shiney bark.

The mid green Leaves are narrow and willow like , the flowers . Ce petit arbre est idéal pour venir colorer durant toutes les saisons les . A special tree for all seasons with impressive glistening mahogany peeling bark. Round-headed deciduous tree with truly magnificent bark and stems which are shining copper-brown with peeling circles. Small vigorous and upright in its early years . The pendulous mid-green leaves . UBC Botanical Garden and Centre for Research.

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The narrow leaves turn yellow in the autumn. The trunk has shiny coppery bark. Rejstřík: TÉMATA listnaté opadavé keře, ENCYKLOPEDIE listnaté opadavé keře, prunus , serrula , tibetská, třešeň, ČLÁNKY prunus , serrula , .