Rudbeckia triloba

Třapatka trojlaločná vyniká kompaktním, keřovým růstem a dlouhou dobou kvetení velkým. Třapatka je vytrvalá bylina, která je v létě a na podzim ozdobná svými nápadnými květy. Květní úbory jsou zlatožluté s tmavě hnědým terčem.

Třapatky jsou trvalky, které řadíme do čeledi Asteraceae – hvězdnicovité a pochází ze Severní Ameriky. It is sometimes grown in gardens, but it is usually seen in old fields or along roadsides.

Rudbeckia triloba is a plant native to the United States. It branches frequently at the leaf axils and its appearance is rather bushy at maturity. An airy, upright plant with smallish, roun . Also known as brown-eyed Susan and browneyed Susan. Written by our research team, this reference contains the essential information for growing RUDBECKIA TRILOBA. Read more for a successful harvest!

This Coneflower is native all over Eastern North America. Plants form a rosette of green leaves the first year, the second year they produce bushy, upright stems .

Leaf type: leaves are simple (i.e., lobed or unlobed but not separated into leaflets ). Three-lobed coneflower or brown-eyed Susan. Hundreds of small, deep gold flowers bloom July through October! A naturalizing self seeder. Individual flowers much smaller than their.

This is a very fine border plant from moist soil in North America. Brown-eyed Susan, Coneflower. With thin, bright green, three-lobed leaves. This plant is very resistant to drought, heat and pests.

Easily distinguishable from other rudbeckias due to its smaller flowers and rough dark green leaves. Highly adaptable from open woodlands to tall prairies. If I could bottle the feelingthat this wonderful, easy, but rarely seenSummer thru Fall bloomer gives off, I would put Prozac out of business!

Click here for print friendly version. Show All Show Tabs browneyed Susan. Stems glabrate to hirsute or strigose (hairs 1-mm, basal retrorse, others spreading). Drought, heat and pest tolerant. Leaves: blades ovate to subcordate .

Although short-live it self-sows readily on . Soil: Hydric (Moist) to Mesic (Medium) Sun: Full to Part Height: 2′-′ Color: Yellow Blooms: August-October Flowers: The flower-heads are .