Acer palmatum shishigashira

Japonské javory vždy patřily mezi vrcholné okrasy pěstěných zahrad. Tvar stromu je natolik osobitý, že jej doporučujeme nechat růst divoce, bez „ výchovných“ . Japanese maples are the „créme de la créme“ of every garden. A majestic looking tree needs no pruning at all and we recommend to let it form its own shape. U nás nakoupíte japonské rostliny, jehličnany, listnáče, magnolie a další.

Learn more about Monrovia plants and best practices for best possible plant performance.

Jeho domovinou je Japonsko. Potřebuje vlhkou, ale propustnou zeminu bez vápníku, nesnáší jíl! Je velice náročný na stanoviště, které by mělo být.

Deep green leaves are twisted and crimped at their margins. Leaves form clumps on the plant making an artistic effect. In fall the foliage turns deep . Very distinct and unusual!

A medium sized tree with a most unusual characteristic – the leaves are small and crinkled around . Shishigashira is an older cultivar in the palmatum category.

Javor dlanitolistý je domácím druhem v Japonsku, Číně a Korei, kde často roste jako podrost v listnatých lesích. Rozšířil se do celého světa, kde se pěstuje jako . Description: Grows7-ft. Crinkled green spring summer, gold fall.

Stout, upright branches have avocado-green bark and crinkle clustere bright green almost fringed leaves held tightly to the branches. This tree looks stunning in Autumn with its bright orange leaves. Pflegeleicht Schnittverträglich. Schnitt- und Sägewunden sowie Astbrüche sollten schnellstmöglich mit einem Wundeverschlussmittel versorgt werden, . The tree was originally labeled as.

This is a slow upright grower with dense tufts of . Free Shipping On All Orders Over $99. A very slow growing small tree multi branched and sturdy in appearance. Known as the lions mane maple its leaves tend to grow . Contrary to what its name might imply, it can be found growing in the wild . Special variety of Acer Palmatum (crispifolium) with very slow grow. Characteristic leaves shape which are green palmate with curled ruffled edges developing . Maple with a particularly . Acer argutum 1 1 Acer burgerianum 1 2 Acer capilipes 1.