Cupressocyparis leylandii

Jedná se o divoce a rychle rostoucí jehličnan, který se . Tento cypřišovec pochází z křížení cupressus macrocarpa a chamaecyparis nootkatensis. Nejedná se o čistý botanický druh. Cupressocyparis leylandii. Dostupnost: dle vhodného termínu výsadby, . Jehlice mají tmavě zelenou barvu a .

Za rok povyroste zhruba o metr, dorůst může až ke dvaceti metrům. Náročnost zálivky, středně náročná. Slovenský názov: Cyprusovec leylandský – najrýchlejšie rastúci krásny živý plot. Leylandových je krásně sytě zelený.

It is hardy to zone (UK) and is not frost tender. Very fast growing evergreen conifer reaching heights up to 35m if not pruned. Good for quick hedging, but many people . CUPRESSOCYPARIS LEYLANDII.

Wintertime is undoubtedly conifer season in many gardens all around the world. It is an upright evergreen conifer that can grow to heights of more than 1ft. It is located along the perennial border at PowellsWood and provides a very tall . Fast-growing, upright, needled evergreen tree. Has scaly reddish brown bark and attracive splays of gray-green.

Warning: Some parts of this plant may cause a skin irritation. Pronunciation: ku-pro- SI-pa-ris la-LAN-de-i. Noted for its rapid growth . Lovell CR, Dannaker CJ, White . Chamaecyparis nootkatensis . E-SHOP ZAHRADNICTVÍ Informace na tel. Evergreen- Deciduous: Evergreen.

Overall Mature Size: Large. Used as a wind break on larger properties it can also be used as both a formal or informal hedge or screen. Forms a very tight hedge with regular pruning.

Somewhat open pyramidal form. Large branches with flattened groups of .