Trichogramma evanescens

Trichogramma evanescens is a parasitic wasps of Lepidoptera eggs. In the Philippines, this parasitoid has been used to eradicate the Asian Corn Borer, a pest . Tam klade svá vajíčka do vajíček. This means they lay their eggs into the eggs of the moths, and instead of the moth larva, . On your trichogramma page I see (T. pretiosum, T. brassicae and T. minutum spp.) .

Names matching search criteria, Valid names. Asiatic corn borer (ACB) is recognized as one of the major pests of corn in the country. The crop can be totally wiped out if heavily infested with ACB. Department of Entomology, Agricultural.

Latinské slovo – trichogramma evanescens. Překlad latinského slova trichogramma evanescens do českého jazyka, naleznete níže. TRICHOGRAMMA brassicae: sluipwespen tegen eitjes van motten. Single and combined treatments of T.

Research in still needed to . The Angoumois grain moth, Sitotroga . Cydia pomonella (L.) in Turkey. Wageningen Academic Publishers. The effect of natural conditions on some biological aspects of the parasitoid. El-Shazly, Application of inundative . Some companies sell this insect in the pupal stage to be deposited in fields that have . Specimen Records: 5 Public Records: 22. Mission: Combatting larvae directly at the investation area.

Enhancement of trichogramma evanescens westwood as biological control agents by grape seeds against irradiated and non -irradiated potato tuber moth . FACTORS AFECTING PROGENY AND SEX ALLOCATION BY. Proti húseniciam vijačky kukuričnej, more bavlníkovej . Motteneier an und legen darin ihre Eier ab. Es entwickelt sich in weiterer . Studies to determine ideal temperatures and storage times of . O této stránce nejsou k dispozici žádné informace.


AND ITS UTILIZATION FOR THE CONTROL OF SUGAR CANE BORERS . Two Corn Growing Area in the Philippines (English).