Cortaderia selloana pumila

Cortaderia selloana ´ Pumila ´. Kultivar Pumila vytváří trsy úzkých. Tato trsovitě rostoucí tráva s krásným květenstvím pochází ze stepí Jižní Ameriky. Je mrazuvzdorná, ale vadí jí trvalé vlhko v našich zimách.

V oblastech s dlouhodobější sněhovou pokrývkou ji . Velice krásná trsovitě rostoucí tráva.

Slovenský názov: Tráva Kortadéria pampová Pumila (Pampas Pumilla). Ozdobná je především hustým krémově bílým květenstvím, . Kvety sú mohutné striebristo bielej farby. Sú tiež vhodné k rezu a sušeniu.

U tohto kultivaru sa tiež . CORTADERIA selloana ´ Pumila ´. Quite showy, this South American native features magnificent, . It blooms in mid-summer with big, fluffy pure-white, plumes. Good old Pampas Grass all the way from the lowlands of Uruguay, northern Argentina and southern Brazil.

It forms familiar clumps . A compact version of this much loved ornamental grass. A dwarf form of this spectacular and much . A great plant for autumn impact. Evergreen or semi-evergreen grass that forms . Most residential landscapes are too small for the full-sized Pampas Grass, so consider this.

The giant Pampas grass is just to big for many gardens growing anything as much as feet tall or more in ideal conditions once fully plumed. Pampas Grass is one of the most spectacular ornamental grasses, forming a large evergreen clump with very tall plumes of white flowers in autumn that last for . Common Name: Dwarf Pampas Grass, Ornamental Grass. One of the most cold hardy . This dwarf pampas grass is hardier than any other pampas grass and can be grown much farther north than the species. The glaucous blades give way to sturdy . First class free flowering form of pampas with many handsome heads of typical flower in late summer. Size of this preview: 8× 6pixels.

Guaranteed best value, low prices, fast delivery, special offers. It has rough textured green foliage with large bright silvery yellow plumes that hold all the . At MyPalmShop you will find a wide range of fantastic trees and plants!